Welcome and hello beautiful, precious and unique women. I hope this message reaches you in good spirits and that you take this encouragement with you as you go throughout the rest of your day: If I had a penny for every time a women INCLUDING MYSELF has said I want to be married, I’m waiting or praying for my husband and this is what’s on my list. It’s no secret or surprise that people desire companionship, most women want commitment and a lot of women, especially those that are trying to live for the LORD want to be married for one reason or the other with the other often being so they can engage in relations without guilt. These may be a few of the reasons why the bible foretold the younger women are going to want to marry again and gave advisement to not take care of them (1 Timothy 5:11 The younger widows should not be on the list, because their physical desires will overpower their devotion to Christ and they will want to remarry.)
I remember being saved, single, celibate and so satisfied in my life with the LORD and then my physical body began to desire relations with a man so I was like “GOD send me a husband” and that’s not what I said to the LORD the first time (some of ya’ll know the story , lol). At that point in my life looks didn’t matter, I just wanted a truly saved and good husband so I didn’t give GOD a list but simply desired he be one like the woman in Proverbs 31 had. How naive I was. In hindsight the bible doesn’t even tell us much about the husband of the women in Proverbs 31 other than he is respected at the city gate, where he takes his seat among the elders of the land, he calls her blessed and he praises her (verses 23 & 28) and we can probably each draw our own conclusions about what kind of man he was based on those statements.
So recently I began to wonder GOD what should we pray for when seeking a husband and what came to me was simply a man after GOD’s own heart AND (not and or, but AND) a man who has the mind of Christ.
Most of us know about David and how the bible says David was a man after GOD’s own heart (Acts 13:22 After removing Saul, he made David their king. He testified concerning him: 'I have found David son of Jesse a man after my own heart; he will do everything I want him to do.') yet David committed adultery with another man’s wife, got her pregnant, plotted to make it look like her husband actually got her pregnant but when that plot failed David sent her husband to war on the front line to be killed so the husband would never find out about the pregnancy and then David took her as his wife (talk about a soap opera). You know there are some men like that so to speak today and in the church. They are good men for all intents and purposes. Their nice, kind, they love people, they love the LORD, they are good brothers, husbands, fathers, workers in the spiritual and secular field, yet they have a problem where lust and or adultery is concerned and their wives, girlfriends and or fiancés’ suffer because of it.
But then you have those other brothers, the set apart men who chase after GOD and are surrendered to the will of GOD like Christ was (Philipains 2:5 Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus) and that makes such a difference in the marriage. There is unity, cohesion, they are true Heads that lead, there’s so much trust because the confidence is not in the man but in the will of GOD and the man’s consistent obedience to that will. I could go on and on but I’m sure you can think of more benefits of having a husband who has “the mind of Christ”. So I challenge every women in this group to ask GOD to make you a woman after HIS own heart and to place the mind of Christ on the inside of you and if you’re single and desiring marriage to pray that GOD will give you a husband after HIS own heart and one who has the mind of Christ.
As always GOD bless you, take care and make it a great day! P.S. If you haven't done so already please don't forget to like a comment, leave a comment to inspire others or give them something to have a little lol about and or invite someone else to join. Thanks in advance, BPUW (Beautiful Precious and Unique Woman)
I remember being saved, single, celibate and so satisfied in my life with the LORD and then my physical body began to desire relations with a man so I was like “GOD send me a husband” and that’s not what I said to the LORD the first time (some of ya’ll know the story , lol). At that point in my life looks didn’t matter, I just wanted a truly saved and good husband so I didn’t give GOD a list but simply desired he be one like the woman in Proverbs 31 had. How naive I was. In hindsight the bible doesn’t even tell us much about the husband of the women in Proverbs 31 other than he is respected at the city gate, where he takes his seat among the elders of the land, he calls her blessed and he praises her (verses 23 & 28) and we can probably each draw our own conclusions about what kind of man he was based on those statements.
So recently I began to wonder GOD what should we pray for when seeking a husband and what came to me was simply a man after GOD’s own heart AND (not and or, but AND) a man who has the mind of Christ.
Most of us know about David and how the bible says David was a man after GOD’s own heart (Acts 13:22 After removing Saul, he made David their king. He testified concerning him: 'I have found David son of Jesse a man after my own heart; he will do everything I want him to do.') yet David committed adultery with another man’s wife, got her pregnant, plotted to make it look like her husband actually got her pregnant but when that plot failed David sent her husband to war on the front line to be killed so the husband would never find out about the pregnancy and then David took her as his wife (talk about a soap opera). You know there are some men like that so to speak today and in the church. They are good men for all intents and purposes. Their nice, kind, they love people, they love the LORD, they are good brothers, husbands, fathers, workers in the spiritual and secular field, yet they have a problem where lust and or adultery is concerned and their wives, girlfriends and or fiancés’ suffer because of it.
But then you have those other brothers, the set apart men who chase after GOD and are surrendered to the will of GOD like Christ was (Philipains 2:5 Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus) and that makes such a difference in the marriage. There is unity, cohesion, they are true Heads that lead, there’s so much trust because the confidence is not in the man but in the will of GOD and the man’s consistent obedience to that will. I could go on and on but I’m sure you can think of more benefits of having a husband who has “the mind of Christ”. So I challenge every women in this group to ask GOD to make you a woman after HIS own heart and to place the mind of Christ on the inside of you and if you’re single and desiring marriage to pray that GOD will give you a husband after HIS own heart and one who has the mind of Christ.

Just dropping in to share what I'm jamming to at the time.

Welcome and hello beautiful, precious and unique women. I hope this message reaches you in good spirits and that you take this word with you as you go throughout the rest of your day: Isaiah 26:3 You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you.
Peace: Inner contentment; serenity, freedom from disquieting or oppressive thoughts or emotions. Freedom from quarrels and disagreement; harmony in personal relations. A pact or agreement to end hostilities between those who have been at war or in a state of enmity. Used interjectionally to ask for silence or calm or as a greeting or farewell. In a state of concord, tranquility or serene. Not in a state of war, disagreement or other hostilities. Public security, to maintain or observe law and order. Undisturbed by strife, turmoil, or disagreement; tranquil, not involving violence.
Don’t you need that in your day to day life ladies? I know I do. Please, if you have your mind on the Lord keep it there; if it’s not please get it there and allow him to keep you in perfect (100%) peace.
As always GOD bless you, take care and make it a great day! P.S. If you haven't done so already please don't forget to like a comment, leave a comment to inspire others or give them something to have a little lol about and or invite someone else to join. Thanks in advance, BPUW (Beautiful Precious and Unique Woman)
PPS. Here's a little something to help you get rest in HIS peace.
Welcome and hello beautiful, precious and unique women. I hope this message reaches you in good spirits and that you take this word with you as you go throughout the rest of your day: Isaiah 26:3 You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you.
Peace: Inner contentment; serenity, freedom from disquieting or oppressive thoughts or emotions. Freedom from quarrels and disagreement; harmony in personal relations. A pact or agreement to end hostilities between those who have been at war or in a state of enmity. Used interjectionally to ask for silence or calm or as a greeting or farewell. In a state of concord, tranquility or serene. Not in a state of war, disagreement or other hostilities. Public security, to maintain or observe law and order. Undisturbed by strife, turmoil, or disagreement; tranquil, not involving violence.
Don’t you need that in your day to day life ladies? I know I do. Please, if you have your mind on the Lord keep it there; if it’s not please get it there and allow him to keep you in perfect (100%) peace.
Peace: Inner contentment; serenity, freedom from disquieting or oppressive thoughts or emotions. Freedom from quarrels and disagreement; harmony in personal relations. A pact or agreement to end hostilities between those who have been at war or in a state of enmity. Used interjectionally to ask for silence or calm or as a greeting or farewell. In a state of concord, tranquility or serene. Not in a state of war, disagreement or other hostilities. Public security, to maintain or observe law and order. Undisturbed by strife, turmoil, or disagreement; tranquil, not involving violence.
Don’t you need that in your day to day life ladies? I know I do. Please, if you have your mind on the Lord keep it there; if it’s not please get it there and allow him to keep you in perfect (100%) peace.
As always GOD bless you, take care and make it a great day! P.S. If you haven't done so already please don't forget to like a comment, leave a comment to inspire others or give them something to have a little lol about and or invite someone else to join. Thanks in advance, BPUW (Beautiful Precious and Unique Woman)
PPS. Here's a little something to help you get rest in HIS peace.

Good afternoon ladies. It's been too long since I've posted anything in this group and for that I am truly sorry and I ask for your forgiveness. It seems like I've been in battle after battle, too beaten up and broke down up by the devil and life's circumstances, busy caring about things and burdens that I just needed to let GOD handle, angry at times and too discouraged to encourage anyone else. But GOD in HIS mercy and goodness has lifted up my head. In spite of my still present circumstances and trials GOD has placed HIS joy on the inside of me. HE has strengthened me and yet this morning after prayer this song was on my mind. When I listened to it I had to lift up my hands, praise GOD and yes I cried tears of joy not sorrow, because this is my testimony. How befitting that Shine posted this almost 7 months ago, as the last post at that and yet today it is the first thing that I wanted to share with the women of this group; because this is real. There are so many of us that need to go before the KING for one reason or another with petitions that only HE can grant. I pray in the name of JESUS that the women in this group would bring their petitions along with their hearts to HIM to do what only HE can do. I pray that while they are yet in the midst of praying, GOD in HIS Sovereignty would answer them and grant them according to HIS will in JESUS name. AMEN.
Isaiah 65:24 And it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear.
Carla, Shine, Angela and every other member who has stayed, prayed, posted and encouraged, GOD Bless you. BPUW (Beautiful Precious and Unique Woman) http://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=wU3qgPn3bGA
Good afternoon ladies. It's been too long since I've posted anything in this group and for that I am truly sorry and I ask for your forgiveness. It seems like I've been in battle after battle, too beaten up and broke down up by the devil and life's circumstances, busy caring about things and burdens that I just needed to let GOD handle, angry at times and too discouraged to encourage anyone else. But GOD in HIS mercy and goodness has lifted up my head. In spite of my still present circumstances and trials GOD has placed HIS joy on the inside of me. HE has strengthened me and yet this morning after prayer this song was on my mind. When I listened to it I had to lift up my hands, praise GOD and yes I cried tears of joy not sorrow, because this is my testimony. How befitting that Shine posted this almost 7 months ago, as the last post at that and yet today it is the first thing that I wanted to share with the women of this group; because this is real. There are so many of us that need to go before the KING for one reason or another with petitions that only HE can grant. I pray in the name of JESUS that the women in this group would bring their petitions along with their hearts to HIM to do what only HE can do. I pray that while they are yet in the midst of praying, GOD in HIS Sovereignty would answer them and grant them according to HIS will in JESUS name. AMEN.
Isaiah 65:24 And it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear.
Carla, Shine, Angela and every other member who has stayed, prayed, posted and encouraged, GOD Bless you. BPUW (Beautiful Precious and Unique Woman) http://www.youtube.com/
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